profsparky Dec 30, 2008 20:56
what's sparky talking about?, what time is it?!, guess who looked through the tag list, i like tags, whoa cool, i will never tell you about the duck tag, internts, more tags to follow, ducks, madness? this is sparta!, how about that, tag sparta?, i'll take a potato chip and eat it, what sorcery is this?, scorpio charisma ftw, just putting it out there, vague post is vague, fun fun, spartaaa, what the hell does the duck tag mean?, wouldn't you like to know, tv tropes owns my soul, also, tags are enjoyable, holy shit that's cool, tag madness
profsparky Oct 26, 2008 02:27
actually not a rickroll, i'll take a potato chip and eat it, internets, lawls